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creating emotional intelligence

Do You Have Emotional Intelligence?

business culture dentistry relationships May 30, 2023

What Is It?

Emotional intelligence basically refers to a person's ability to recognize, understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of others.

It helps individuals to build better relationships, make more informed decisions, and lead a more fulfilling life. If you can understand and effectively regulate your emotions, chances are you will be able to communicate more effectively, handle conflicts and empathize with others. 

Key Aspects 

There are a few key aspects involved in emotional intelligence:

  • Emotional Awareness - the ability to identify and understand one's own emotions and those of others.
  • Self-Regulation - the ability to manage and control one's own emotions in healthy ways, such as avoiding impulsive behavior or negative responses. 
  • Motivation - the drive to use emotions to pursue goals and improve one's life.
  • Empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, including their perspectives and needs.
  • Social Skills - the ability to effectively communicate and build positive relationships with others, like managing conflicts and negotiating effectively.

Why Is It Important?

You may be wondering, "why is this important in dentistry?"


By developing these skills, you can enhance your emotional intelligence, which will lead to better relationships with patients, increased personal and professional success, and a greater sense of overall well-being!

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