We host seminars on a variety of topics that will elevate your curiosity and skill in every aspect of comprehensive care and wellness.
Hornbrook & Montgomery
Occlusion Demystified
Produced by Utah Valley Dental Lab
This Course is Ideal For:
- Those practicing real world dentistry
- Dentists who desire to improve aesthetics
- Dentists who want to eliminate failures and predictably restore patients in ideal position
Expand Your Proficiency & Learn:
- The science behind tooth contacts and muscle harmony
- The 5 steps to functional success with every patient
- Hands on clinical records, recording bites and facebows for case planning
- How to accurately diagnose wear, severe wear and post treatment triggers
- Understand the 3 most critical factors in your new patient exam
- Deprogramming methods: when to use and why
- Diagnosing the asymptomatic patient
- How to avoid “red flags” that will compromise the outcome of a case
- How to establish Occlusal Vertical Dimension—when to make changes and why
- Hands on critical case finishing that will prevent post-treatment challenges
- Successful treatment planning and model evaluation
- Evaluation and deliberate occlusal equilibration—“stop chasing dots”
Cary Family Dental - Cary, NC
- December 8-10, 2023
Functional Aesthetics
Produced by Utah Valley Dental Lab
The goal of this program is to provide attendees with a unique hands-on, live-patient educational experience and the opportunity to explore various case scenarios. The combination of clinical, communication, marketing, and management skills addressed in this course will not only increase your enjoyment of dentistry, but will also promote a level of clinical success and confidence most dentists don't realize is possible.
In this 6 day, 2 weekend course, each doctor and their aesthetic team will bring their own patient and, under the guidance of a clinical instructor, provide advance, hands on treatment of approximately 10 anterior restorations.
You Will Learn:
- The nuances of anterior smile design
- A complete understanding of adhesive dentistry: new materials and techniques for success
- Avoiding sensitivity and eliminating microleakage with bonded restorations
- Case planning, both aesthetically and functionally, of anterior restorative dentistry
- Preparation steps that follow a predictable and systematic approach
- Understanding functionally why things work, while others fail
- A series of easy to understand principles of how posterior dentition can affect long term anterior success
- How to establish Occlusal Vertical Dimension—when to make changes and why
- A thorough understanding of the new restorative materials and their applications
- Veneer provisionalization that’s amazingly fast and aesthetic
- Laboratory communication to ensure success
- Cementation principles designed for predictable placement of multiple units
- Creative marketing to attract the “aesthetic” patient
Roseman University - South Jordan, Utah
Spring 2023
- PREP - February 17-19, 2023
- SEAT - March 10-12, 2023
Fall 2023
- PREP - September 8-10, 2023
- SEAT - October 20-22, 2023
Advanced Aesthetic Reconstruction
Produced by Utah Valley Dental Lab
The goal is to develop mastery level aesthetic dentistry; creating the opportunity to explore vast options of multi-disciplinary care, prosthetic possibilities, and patient management focusing on oral rehabilitation and long term functional success. Following this course, you'll be able to aesthetically treat a complex restorative / prosthetic case and develop a working knowledge of resources to use in diagnosis and case planning. You will learn the latest technique such as bonded ceramics, smile design, and comfortable and stable occlusion that results in the ultimate in beauty and function.
In this power packed 3 weekend course, you will treatment plan and treat a full mouth rehabilitation under the guidance of a clinical instructor.
PRE-REQUISITE: Occlusion Demystified & Functional Aesthetics Courses
WEEKEND #1: Advanced Occlusion and diagnosis and treatment planning requirements
WEEKEND #2: Advanced Smile Design and Full Mouth Preparation
WEEKEND #3: Advanced Case delivery and Finishing
You Will Learn:
- Diagnosis of the complete masticatory system cranio-mandibular problems, and the complex pain patient
- Orthopedics: preventing the need for rehabilitation through comprehensive development management
- Determining the correct VDO and how to alter it
- Advanced Smile Design
- Records and imaging
- Practical reliable implant restorations: bridges, crowns, overdentures, fixed removable
- Relationships between the occlusion and the joints
- Myofascial pain and temporomandibular disorders
- How to handle the pre-prep and preparation sequencing
- Case finishing and post insertion sequencing
- Alternative therapies for alternative patients (long-term pain management)
- Laboratory support for complex cases
Roseman University - South Jordan, Utah
- Dates TBD
Amplified Dynamics

The Six Essential Patient Agreements
Clear agreements lie at the very heart of every successful relationship. Patient relationships are no different. Developing clear patient agreements are the pathway to meeting and exceeding expectations in service to our patients. We believe that a relationship based practice is also a practice of excellent agreement creation based on a WIN-WIN-WIN mindset - a win for the patient, a win for the doctor and a win for the practice.
When it comes to patient acceptance of treatment approaches and treatment plans, we have found that six essential agreements must be in place.
Learn MoreValues Driven Treatment Planning
We often talk about values driven treatment, but how often would you say that you really know your patient’s values? And if you don’t really know, what assumptions are we making when we plan without knowing? So then, if we would prefer to stay out of the assumption zone and avoid forcing our values onto our patient, we might consider making an adjustment in our process that we know will result in patients who are more than just happy with our treatment. These patients who know that we know them and that we are holding their values as if they were our own, will be the patients who refer and 5 Star your review.
So what does it take to do values driven treatment planning? We would posit that the first step is to dig into the language of success for our patients. They have many priorities that are high value to them that we often don’t even think about. For example, one of my patients said to me that they come to me because they know that they won’t ever have to worry about dental problems while they are on vacation and traveling. Making a list of these values from our existing patients can really lend insight into why they work with us.
The key here is to not just ask about if they want a healthy strong mouth, (who doesn’t?) but to tie the idea into the quality of life that this patient lives.
Values often are in the categories of: health, strength, long lasting, pain free, no worries, white teeth, beautiful smile, straight teeth, comfort, etc. The real trick in values driven treatment planning is to build a deep relationship with the patient that lives even outside of the dental lingo, and the dental office. What does your care mean to your patients, even when you are not with them?
Wouldn’t you want your doctor to know you that well??
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The Six Essential Patient Agreements
We approach the needs of dental/medical practices by providing inspiration and coaching that will bring excellence to the patients. Because so many patients are seeking a wellness approach, we have oriented our services to that mindset. What wellness means to a practice is that we always look deeply behind the symptoms of what is not working to get at the root cause of the problem. For some, they see wellness as holistic, for others it is getting everything treated that needs treatment, and still others as a customized preventive care program that will avoid future problems. These are all excellent approaches and mindsets; however, we also want to look deeply into the personal individual behaviors, function, and structures that are at the heart of a wellness lifestyle. So, a comprehensive wellness plan can involve many elements of a patient’s life and living.
We coach our practices to consider that they will be care providers and patient resources in a relationship that serves their patients for years and years.
This takes the practice into a cooperative collaboration about where we start (diagnostics) and what it will take (sequential systems driven treatment) and how we can prevent the risks of future disease, dysfunction, and chronic pain.
Comprehensive treatment always will balance the patient’s long range goals with the urgency of current symptomology. This allows straightforward systems driven decisions along a pre-defined path on the way to health and wellness. By having our comprehensive plan in place, we reduce the risk of spending time and money on issues that are not our priorities long term.
There are just a few straightforward steps that we recommend to our practices.
- Values driven relationship development built on true curiosity for the patient’s desires.
- Assisting the patient in the mindset of long term results and goals
- Facing up to the current reality of their condition, quality of life, and future glide path.
- Considering possibilities for approaches to their best optimal result
- Sequential Treatment Planning
- Diagnostics
- Staging of systems such as metabolic management, infection control, skeletal issues, physical medicine, restorative care, long term stabilization and prevention, etc.
- Milestones for the patient with a time line in place
- Re-evaluation and plan review dynamics in place
- Resources for care and wellness
- Clear, clean, healthy agreements to support moving forward
- Relationship support with long term connections and opportunities for future health
The Role of the Treatment Coordinator
Adding a treatment coordinator to a practice is the best way to humanize the patient relationship in the midst of a hurry up, high-tech world. When patients are asked what they want most from their doctor, they always reply with these things:
- I want someone who will listen to me.
- I want someone who will treat me like an individual, not like a number.
- I want someone I can trust to have my best interest at heart and have the integrity to recommend the right thing for me.
- I want to feel cared for and I want someone who can get to the root cause of my issues and not just patch me up over and over again.
The treatment coordinator then becomes the number one advocate for the patient to the doctor and for the doctor to the patient. In everyones busy world, the treatment coordinator takes the time to be the relationship liaison in the practice. The treatment coordinator has the role of co-discovery, relationship building, agreement creation and service concierge. When the treatment coordinator is on track, surprises rarely happen, expectations are routinely met or exceeded and the patients feel loved, heard and deeply care for. This role in your practice builds raving fans and lowers the resistance to excellent care.
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