September is Gum Care Health Month case acceptance confidence dental coach dentistry healthy smiles smiles teamwork Sep 03, 2024

As dental professionals, we understand that oral health is more than just a beautiful smile—it's a gateway to overall well-being. This September, Gum Care Health Month provides an excellent opportunity to share the importance of periodontal health, not only within the realm of...

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7 Steps to Conquer Dental Anxiety culture dentistry healthy smiles patient relationships Jul 23, 2024

Taking care of our health is something we all know is important, but often, it's easier said than done. In the whirlwind of our busy lives, many obstacles can come between us and healthcare. Today, we're referring to fear and anxiety. 

Fear is a natural response that helps us in survival...

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Do You Have a Retention Department? administration business dental coach healthy smiles patient reputation teamwork Jun 11, 2024

I was recently at a corporate event in Aruba with a friend of mine (non-dental). The attendees were all part of their company’s President’s Club, celebrating outstanding numbers of growth and success. Each department took turns congratulating their winners, but one department, in...

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Overcoming Dental Anxiety case acceptance confidence healthy smiles patient reputation smiles May 07, 2024

Let's talk about something near and dear to our hearts: overcoming dental anxiety. We all know the drill when it comes to taking care of our health, but sometimes life throws obstacles in our way, right? Between deployments, moves, and family schedules, it's easy to put our oral health on the...

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ADA Updated Recommendations for Radiography Safety administration continuing education dentistry healthy smiles reputation technology Apr 29, 2024

Big news from the American Dental Association (ADA) – they’ve just rolled out new recommendations to up the safety game when it comes to dental X-rays. According to the ADA’s expert panel, those trusty lead abdominal aprons and thyroid collars we’ve been using during...

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How to Phase Your Treatment Plans dentistry healthy smiles patient smiles technology Apr 16, 2024

 When designing a treatment plan for your dental patients, creating a structured sequence can be invaluable. This approach helps you navigate complex cases, prioritize patient needs, and ensure comprehensive care. We've come up with a master sequence that can serve as a guide for your...

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Oral Cancer Awareness Month confidence dentistry healthy smiles smiles technology Apr 08, 2024

 April is Oral Cancer Awareness Moth, highlighting the importance of early detection and screening for oral cancer. We're passionate about this cause because catching oral cancer early can truly be a game-changer for our patients, significantly reducing morbidity and increasing...

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Unraveling the Mysteries of Occlusion Management case acceptance dentistry healthy smiles relationships smiles technology Apr 02, 2024


It's easy to shrug off dental damage as just a part of aging or blame it on some mysterious force like bruxism. But what if I told you there's more to it than meets the eye? Let's shake off those oversimplified notions and roll up our sleeves to uncover the real deal.

Let's Talk Chewing...

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Exploring the Top 10 Dental Trends of 2024 administration case acceptance continuing education dental coach dentistry healthy smiles teamwork Mar 26, 2024

With 2024 in full swing, the dental industry is buzzing with innovation and advancements that promise to revolutionize the way we care for patients. From cutting-edge technologies to personalized treatment approaches, there's so much to unpack in the world of dentistry....

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Crafting the Perfect Smile case acceptance dentistry healthy smiles patient smiles teamwork technology Mar 12, 2024

 When it comes to designing tooth sizes in a smile line, there are many different factors to take into account. What is right? What is wrong? Where do you even begin? Well, hold onto your your dental mirrors because we're breaking down all things smile design. 

Let's break it...

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A Guide to Saliva Tests for Dentists case acceptance dental coach dentistry healthy smiles smiles technology Feb 06, 2024

Saliva, often overlooked in its diagnostic potential, holds a lot of information for dentists seeking comprehensive insights into their patients' oral health. Let's explore various saliva tests that dentists can leverage to diagnose and monitor oral health conditions effectively.

  1. pH...
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A Patient-Centric Approach to Dental Conversations case acceptance clear goals healthy smiles patient relationships smiles Jan 09, 2024

 Encouraging patients to improve their smiles can be a sensitive topic. The common responses – "I'm too old for that," "I'm already married, why bother?" or a simple denial of vanity – highlight the need for a more thoughtful approach. Successful conversations about smile...

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